How to grow ecommerce brand

Yurii Kuzemko
3 min readMay 26, 2021

First of all to grow the brand we need to live for it.

Just passion…

To live for it — it should be our passion.

If we go through the top Forbes people we will find a clear pattern in all of them — they all are following their own passion.

Sometimes following the passion requires making breaking changes in the short-term or sacrifice short-term comfort.

But in long term, it brings a huge payoff.

Second — growing the brand is continuously improving the system.

The system

Systems are everywhere, especially in digital acquisition strategies.

The most common reason for failure is concentrating on one part of the system ignoring the others.

Just like driving the car — if we just concentrate on the steering wheel ignoring the acceleration pedal and transmission — we are not likely to drive a car successfully.

I’ve found the same pattern in digital marketing — if the people were just focusing on content ignoring the traffic and funnel — they didn’t succeed.

So I stopped treating digital marketing as the individual component — content, traffic, etc.

It’s all about having the system, taking care of all its parts, and continuously improving it.

Third — don’t be a pioneer.

Just fun…

That’s what I’ve learned the hard way and that’s what brought me the biggest breakthrough in my growth once I figured it out.

By pioneer, I mean — trying to solve problems by ourselves without asking for help.

At first glance it seems like nothing wrong with that, right?

That’s fine, but we can spend our whole life figuring things out ourselves.

So why just not find the guy who is crushing it (or at least know better than we do) in the topic we’re trying to figure something out and ask him for help?

It’s simple — instead of learning SEO ourselves — we’re asking someone to teach us it.

What is the difference?

Is that we might learn the SEO by books and courses really well and have five Coursera certificates, but we will never reach the same level of understanding it as a guy who did successful SEO.

So we need just find this guy and ask him to teach us.

I’ve learned it the hard way because I was always trying to learn everything myself and that was consumed the most time and brought the worst results.

By starting investing in my growth I’ve reached the biggest results in my life.

Here’s what I’ve learned from software engineering

It doesn’t matter which tool we are using.

It only matters how we combine the power of different tools into a system.

Back when I was starting with software engineering there were a lot of hypes in my surroundings regards the best programming language.

I’ve tried a lot of programming languages at a commercial level and understood that it doesn’t matter which language we’re using it only matters how and where we using it.

When I’ve dived into digital marketing I noticed the same pattern.

It doesn’t matter what platform we’re using — Facebook Ads, Instagram, Google AdWords.

It only matters where we place this platform in our marketing system and how we utilize the value from it.

Digital marketing is based on predictability, transparency, and sustainability.

And to achieve that there should be a right system for combining the power of all the tools and platforms.

That’s it for today!

Here’s the same post in the video format:

I hope it was helpful 🙂



Yurii Kuzemko

The ADHD dude. I'm constantly jumping for something shiny and new. Sharing my frustrations and excitements here.