This easy brain exercise will change your life in 30 days
There are a lot of different activities happening around us and there are different information passing through us. For out brain it’s impossible to capture everything, so our brain works as a focusing mechanism. He focuses on capturing those events end this information that he got used to.
Gratefulness as brain focus exercise
If we often complaining our brain focuses on negativity. If we often grateful our brain focuses on positivity
Being grateful shifts your focus for the positive things and you become to notice more positivity in your life.
People around are mirroring our state. There’s a feedback loop happens whenever we become focusing on positivity and leads to more and more kind and positive people becoming to surround us
Furthermore we become to focus more on positive things within ourselves. We come to notice more strengths and more value within ourselves and thus boosting our self esteem.
Such simple thing like gratefulness is a key towards making ourselves happy
30 days exercise
Here’s a 30 days gratitude technique. Do it for 30 days in a row and you will become happy immediately: